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Digital Marketing Trends 2021

Digital marketing trends for the current year revolve around two factors – addressing personalized, individual need followed by technical optimization of the website. Listing a few of the digital marketing trends.

Snippets and no-click search

Featured snippets are different from normal search results, these are separated by a small box and located at the top. Very importantly, it shows additional relevant information that answers the customer’s question without having to click on any of these. These snippets are for long-tail keyword phrases which are mostly used in questions.


Customers of the present generation are equally passionate about the environment and how their brands contribute to the planet earth. About 81% of online shoppers feel that their brands and the companies should promote sustainable and eco-friendly products.

Ad-blocker Blockers

Most online marketers have their primary traffic stream cut off at source owing to these ad-blockers, this includes PPC campaigns as well. The best means to overcome this block is to adapt and adopt newer methods Readjust your marketing budget to other campaigns such as influencer marketing or sponsored content.

Image and video SEO

Besides the regular image and video searches, you can also submit existing images and search for context or similar images. As many users go in for visual search techniques, you need to make sure the below

·         Include alt text to image description

·         Include images in the sitemap or have an exclusive image sitemap

·         Include SEO keywords in the image file name

·         Ensure to use HD images and videos

Interactive Content

Interactive content is not just about more engagement but should also focus on increasing user enjoyment on the website. Content such as open-ended questions, surveys, quizzes, contests, polls and more can boost your brand’s performance. This will also allow you to collect data on user preferences and product lines.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation refers to grouping of your audience by specific traits or behaviours. This segmentation will help run many small targeted marketing campaigns for specific audience. You can use this segmentation for specified ads, blog content and social media content.

Follow the above trends for a successful digital marketing strategy.