brand book, style guides, Brand guidelines, marketing

Every business has a brand of its own. Most of the time, businesses promote their brand to gain popularity and to be on top of the game. Some businesses have brands that gradually become known to all. Brand guidelines also called style guides, play a vital role in your marketing efforts. A brand book includes all the brand guidelines. What does a brand book include? Well, it’s a set of instructions for all employees and designers. It contains information like font styles, logo design, color palettes, image designs, content placement, logo placement, tone of the content, among others. 

Benefits :

· Uniformity

· Strong brand identity

· Employee friendly

A brand book helps set the basic design and marketing rules for all employees and designers throughout the firm. Even if you’re outsourcing your work to a third-party agency, it’s easier for them to understand the brand expectations and design elements without having to wonder. When you don’t have one in place, one’s creativity may take the designs outside the brand consistency. Your audience may not be able to relate to your brand. For example, when you see an ‘eaten apple’ logo, we immediately relate it to the Apple brand. Even the ads and campaigns that we see everywhere have the same font, tag line, logo, color combinations, etc. 

A brand book helps maintain consistency across assets, mediums, and channels. When you hire new employees and agencies to help you with your marketing efforts, a brand book lays the right foundation. Connect with our team today! We can answer all your queries for you.
